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Making your site load faster than your competitors' sites is a first step toward dominating your market. Our graphic designers and programmers do a fantastic job projecting your vision onto your website, however, they keep themselves at strict bay. Designing a website full of great looking graphics is easy; designing a website that pleases your vision and yet reaches your customer in less then 5 seconds is an entirely different animal.

The very nature of the Internet makes small, fast-loading pages even more important. Your customers' browsers are at the end of a long line of potential bottlenecks. From the amount of traffic on the internet when he or she requests a page to the power of the computer their browser is running on could literarily make your website seem unreachable.

So next time your designer tries to convince you that the word "catalog" needs to be portrayed with a 1.1 K graphic, ask whether a 0.01 K text representation could work as well.

 What we do
 (c) Copyright 2003 x5Tech Design L.L.C.